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Reach your goals and help us reach ours. Learning is how you grow. That’s how you achieve your goals and help us achieve ours. We give you the learning tools to advance in your field. Learning in class, online or on the job. Whatever you need. That includes listening and talking to international experts and leaders. We offer over 6,000 classes and online courses every year. In fact, we have even built our own SABIC Academy, where we nurture our future leaders. For SABIC, learning is the cornerstone of advancement.

SABIC Academy; The best to create the best

How serious is SABIC about investing in leadership and our people? Well, serious enough to build our own academy. The SABIC Academy is our center for developing, motivating and inspiring our people. This is where our future leaders are made. The strategic tailor-made leadership courses combine experiential learning, coaching, continual assessments, exchange experiences and lectures from leaders and experts from all over the world. The best to create the best.

Harvard ManageMentor

The Harvard ManageMentor allows you to follow 41 topics online that address critical management issues. Including leadership, team management, innovations and trends, with commentary and real-life examples from business leaders and the Harvard Business School itself. The multimedia online courses include interactive experience, narratives, infographics and videos. The flexibility of being online means you can fit study perfectly into your own schedule. Harvard e-learning at your fingertips.

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