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Accelerating electrification will ultimately accelerate a sustainable future.

Vehicle electrification has become a huge part of the move towards a more sustainable future, but it faces numerous challenges to increase adoption. Challenges such as enhancing efficiency and range, safety, weight reduction and charging speed.

To reach its potential, electrification needs new formulas to help accelerate the shift from concept to driveways.

One of those is the new partnership between SABIC and Formula E. In the same way that motor manufacturers have historically ventured into rallying and motorsport to stress test their vehicles, and fast track major performance and safety enhancements, SABIC is now on track with Formula E to help speed up progress.

What can be discovered from SABIC’s work on Formula E vehicle technology and innovation will be passed down to support the development of everyday on-road electric vehicles, effectively speeding up the process. Our culture of high-performance innovation will help push the boundaries of EVs and contribute to the wider Formula E ecosystem, as well as reinforce our credentials as an industry leader with a proven history of collaborative automotive innovation.

Formula E is the world’s first certified net-zero sport, and valuable insights can be gained by operating at the cutting edge of electric vehicle performance. For SABIC, it will now become a test bed for innovation, as our specialists get hands-on experience that can help them develop solutions that can potentially be taken from the racetrack to the public highways.

While the sport is just eight seasons old, the on-track technology is ever-evolving and has undergone revolutionary changes in that eight-year spell. Notably, the drivers who had to stop mid-race to change from a spent car to a fully charged one are now able to go the full distance without stopping.

Formula E manufacturers have committed to a full Life Cycle Assessment for their cars, which will provide further challenges in finding sustainable solutions, extending the lifespan of consumables, and recycling used components.

These are all areas where the materials expertise of SABIC engineers can help. Under the company’s recently announced BLUEHERO™ initiative, a global team of scientists and specialists has already made significant advances on the use of plastics for a wide range of EV battery, electrical and charging components. Use of these plastics versus conventional materials, can potentially deliver multiple benefits, such as reduced weight and system complexity, extended driving range, expanded design freedom, streamlined manufacturability, recyclability, and enhanced thermal management and occupant safety.

The new partnership with Formula E aligns perfectly with BLUEHERO™, further underscoring SABIC’s commitment to help enable the shift to electric power and contribute to a lower carbon future.

Moving forward, SABIC’s team will work closely with Formula E to integrate our thermoplastic solutions into their racing ecosystem and operations – and if all goes well, enhanced EV technologies on the track will find their way onto your drive.

Through solutions from our science and collaboration with the value chain, including the Formula E community, we aspire to help make possible a quicker transition to EVs and a cleaner world. That’s what we call ‘Chemistry that Matters™’.


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