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The past two years have been a huge, unexpected catalyst that drove changes for a “new norm” around the world, SABIC not exempted. “Be the Impact” lies at the heart of the SABIC Leadership Way (SLW) model and even though the world is facing many challenges, our employees have emerged stronger. SABIC continues to invest in leadership development and culture-shaping, inspiring its employees. The SABIC model has proven to be successful: the global research and advisory firm, Gartner, recognized it in 2021 as a best practice model for other businesses to emulate.

In particular, the initiative is about constantly seeking opportunities, experimenting, and learning in an environment of shared ownership between all stakeholders. This is reflected in our approach to SABIC wellbeing, to our learning, and to our stakeholder outreach initiatives.

The New Norm initiative offers best-in-class programs that provide a support infrastructure for physical, mental, social, and financial aspects of wellbeing and address crucial issues of the moment, such as the increasing importance of ESG factors in our business.

SABIC continues to inspire its employees by investing in leadership development and culture-shaping initiatives.


  • Employees Globally


  • Workforce distribution

    MEA: 65%,
    Europe: 14.8%,
    Asia: 9.3%
    America: 10.9%

  • Women in the workforce


    of total workforce

  • SABIC Scholarship Program


    (Male 278, Female 150)

  • Global Assignments


  • SABIC Leadership Learning



  • Learning & Development Programs


  • Training Programs Participants


  • New Hires


  • Turnover


    of total workforce

  • Average hours of training per employee


“As business needs evolve, SABIC’s HR leaders redefine their leadership culture to align with new internal and external challenges. In response to an increasingly dynamic business environment, we realized a need to unify and modernize our leadership culture to move away from one that focused on traditional and process-driven competency models to one that would focus on shaping balanced, transformational leaders.”

– Mohammed Al-Nafea,
GM of HR, MEA & Asia, SABIC


SABIC is committed to being an Employer of Choice because we believe that our success starts with our employees. To sustain this culture, SABIC's HR has been structured in a manner that cultivates a work culture that encourages continuous learning, provides exceptional career opportunities, and offers attractive rewards and recognition for performance. By building and deploying our capabilities to support our organizational & cultural transformation, this strategy aligns with our 2025 objectives.

HR One streamlined our HR processes by integrating employee recruitment, onboarding, learning, compensation, performance & goals, succession & development, and core competencies into a unified system. SABIC also introduced a “New Hire Experience” portal to provide resources and channels for new joiners and young employees to complement their onboarding process.

In addition, SABIC has a robust learning management system (LMS) that offers over 51,000 virtual courses and joint social learning groups to foster lifelong learning to drive employee development and nurture a more competitive talent pool. We increased e-learning hours to almost 60% while our in-person core leadership offerings delivered its new curricula for the first time in a hybrid format in partnership with top business schools, extending access to 140 emerging future leaders, as part of our efforts to support SLW.


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, SABIC has been swift to respond to the multiple and complex challenges that affected our employees and our business processes. While different global concerns have taken center stage this year, we are mindful that the pandemic is still ongoing and continues to cause disruptions in the work and lives of our stakeholders. In April, we launched an ongoing internal campaign to help ease anxiety and lift morale of our employees in Shanghai during a prolonged lockdown.


From November 1 to December 1, 2022, we carried out the 2022 SABIC Employee Survey, which was open to all SABIC employees across 12 Survey Dimensions. The Dimensions included teamwork and collaboration, career development, team leadership and learner mindset, and yielded a 63% participation rate.

SABIC is committed to being an Employer of Choice.

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