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Energy intensity decreased by 3.9% from 2021, due to a sharp increase in sales across all our businesses. With this increased production came an increase in absolute energy consumption of 3.5%. The primary sources of this increase in production include our GCGV asset, which completed its first full year of operations in 2022; our new United EG-3 glycols plant in Jubail, designed to be the most energy-efficient glycols plant in the world with zero steam operation, which commenced operations this year with an increase in overall plant production of 8%; and the startup of our GAS 9 expansion project, which increased capacities for various operations in Jubail.

Energy in GJ
  • 2021*
  • 2022*
2021* 2022*
Financially consolidated 600,739,990 629,778,246
3.5 affiliates** 140,489,510 137,602,996
TOTAL ENERGY 741,229,500 767,381,242

* Assured by KPMG

**3.5 affiliates include Kemya, Sharq, Yanpet, and 50% SAMAC

Energy Intensity

(GJ/t /Product Sales)

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