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Home > Reports > Sustainability Report 2022 > Innovation > Process Innovation

Process Innovation

Creating sustainable solutions requires improving existing processes and continuously innovating new processes that reduce waste, minimize environmental impact, and increase efficiency. At SABIC, the objective is to refine the process while enabling growth.

Our polymers and chemical processes were the focus of two such process innovations implemented in 2022.


In 2022, we took steps to revamp the Dry Catalyst Feeder technology for general-purpose PE that would help SABIC achieve lower costs and simultaneously enhance reliability. Meanwhile, our Integrated Multizone Technology for Differentiated PE allowed us to introduce new PE products in future assets.


This year, we reduced the bottlenecks at our plant sites to boost productivity; our SABIC Butadiene Extraction Technology benefitted from this upgrade and saw its output increase significantly. Additionally, we upgraded our SABIC ANJEVOC Technology that converts complex hydrocarbon feeds to chemicals that will increase chemical output that is more sustainable.


In 2022, we began construction of the world’s first demonstration plant for an electrically-heated steam cracker furnace. The plant, located at BASF’s Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany, is a collaboration with BASF and Linde, and is capable of reducing the CO2 emissions of ethylene production by approximately 90% by using electricity from renewable resources instead of burning fossil fuel.


We commissioned the PKN methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) Improvement Project to replace the existing Petrokemya North Isobutane Dehydrogenation unit with a new SABIC-licensed Isobutane Dehydrogenation Unit; this process innovation is set to modify the existing Isomerization Unit, MTBE Synthesis Unit, and OSBL facilities in order to achieve 1000 kt per annum of MTBE at average operational conditions.


The Ar-Razi CO2 project is being undertaken to limit energy consumption and increase sustainability by constructing a pipeline to inject 900 t per day into the Ar-Razi plants. The expected outcome will reduce natural gas consumption, and lower GHG emissions by 2030.


SABIC electrified its steam-driven compressors and pumps to reduce GHG emissions, repurposing existing infrastructure for blue hydrogen and ammonia production with CO2 capture for use in zero-carbon power generation. Our goal is to secure 4 GW installed capacity of renewable energy by 2025 and 12 GW installed capacity by 2030.

Furthermore, we launched multiple process optimization initiatives at ethylene-based PK Butene-1 plants that reduced steam consumption by 0.15 MMBtu per metric ton. This is the equivalent to lowering the energy intensity by 3.5% compared to plant design. We initiated “free-of-cost” process optimization, utilizing SABIC ethoxylate reaction, production, and development know-how in addition to advanced process-control strategies, process modeling, and simulation at the ethoxylate plant in Saudi Kayan. Meanwhile, plant-production capability was enhanced by a 50% increment in the batch size for all PEG grades and tangible reductions were made in overall plant sustainability indices compared to last year, including energy intensity (19% lower than 2021) and Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (17% lower than 2021).

Additionally, Ibn Zahr awarded the Mega Project and Global Procurement of constructing a brand-new LTRS-1 unit to China Tianchen Engineering Corporation (TCC). The LTRS-1 unit is capable of achieving a C4 recovery at a minimum rate of 99.5%. It can also maximize C3 recovery by offering a throughput increase of 10 wt% of feed to the unit based on its current design. We expect these steps to help improve process innovation across SABIC sites moving forward to achieve sustainability on a large scale.

Meanwhile, SABIC and PepsiCo signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a recycling program and focus on expanding existing capabilities and recycling infrastructure to promote a more circular economy for plastics in line with Saudi Arabia 2030 environmental goals and the Saudi Green Initiative. We also signed a supply agreement with SASREF and Sharq to replace pyrolysis with cleaner fuel gas, which will contribute to cleaner combustion.

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