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Looking Forward

SABIC remains committed to its global goal of securing renewable energy to power operations in the next decade. We plan to procure more than 4 GW of renewable energy through solar, wind, and hydroelectric, across Saudi Arabia, Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific.

We hold steadfast to ensuring our strategy adheres to the Paris Agreement goals, having announced our intention to bring carbon neutrality from our operations under control by 2050. We aim to reduce our direct and indirect GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) globally by 20% compared to 2018, working together with our partners to reduce our indirect Scope 3 emissions along the value chain.

Our site in Cartagena, Spain, is set to become the world's first large-scale chemical plant to run on 100% renewable power by means of a 100 MW solar plant (anticipating a 70 kt annual reduction in indirect CO2 emissions) that we expect to start operating in 2024.

Around the world, and in accordance with our Carbon Neutrality Roadmap development, we are assessing different low/free CO2 technologies to further decarbonize our operations, such as biomass, hydrogen, heat pumps, electrical boilers and other technologies that are region- or technology-specific.

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