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Bright Innovation

El Batel

主页 > Stories of Possible > El Batel - Bright Innovation

El Batel - Bright Innovation

el batel auditorium and conference centre

The mayor of Spanish city Cartagena, Pilar Barreiro Álvarez talks about a bold new project to reinvent their city as a major tourist destination. The Auditorium and Conference Centre of Cartagena, known as “El Batel” is an iconic building inspired by the marine traditions of the city, designed by the renowned Spanish architects José Selgas and Lucía Cano. SABIC contributed some of the most important materials for realizing the ambitious design of this building, which is intended to complete the touristic offerings of Cartagena, as well as to position the city as an attractive location for business events.


Cartagena is a city located in the Region of Cartagena, Spain, on the Mediterranean coast. Founded in the early 200s BC, the city is a major naval station, and a confluence of Phoenician, Byzantine, Moorish, and Roman culture. It is home to a number of important landmarks, as well as having been the capital of the Spanish Navy’s Maritime Department of the Mediterranean since the 18th century. More recently, the bourgeoisie of the early 20th century have contributed to an Art Nouveau heritage. The city is keen to position itself as a tourist destination with a variety of attractions, as well as a business hub.

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