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Innovations of scale


主页 > Stories of Possible > Kringlan - Innovations of scale

Kringlan - Innovations of scale


Making the world lighter through science. Niccolò Pini, founder of Kringlan, explains the vision of his company and how his proprietary manufacturing process of carbon fiber composites, together with the strategic collaboration of SABIC can change the world of industries like transportation, appliances and sporting goods. The first fruit of their collaboration is the world’s first prototype carbon fiber-thermoplastics composite wheel—a wheel which is thirty percent lighter than metal, and can be produced almost ten times faster than the conventional cycle time of metal and thermoset production technologies.


Kringlan was founded in 2007 by Niccolò Pini, a Swiss national with a PhD in material engineering. After their success with the prototype wheel, the company began developing highly resistant, lightweight applications for a number of industries, including automotive, industry automation, and sports equipment. Due to their advanced processing system, they can produce all of these applications in high volumes very quickly, which has contributed to their success.

The name “Kringlan” means “disc” in Icelandic, and was chosen because of Pini’s love of mountain biking in Iceland.

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